
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Simple Way, Part 7

The Simple Way
The Life & Teachings of Zhouzi
by Scott Bradley

A villager sought help, saying, “Master, I am full of anger and hate!”

“How fortunate you are!” And pointing to a nearby disciple, he said, “This poor fellow is full of peace and love!”

After the villager had departed, another disciple asked, “Master, is not peace and love preferable to anger and hate?”

“If you find this a riddle,” replied Zhouzi, “then how would it serve you to have it solved by another? You are like the hunter who shot his priceless pearl at a goose. The answer is worthless, the seeing is all. Yet still I would hear it from you tomorrow before the full hall.”

The following day this disciple stood and said, “Master, this humble monk thanks you for making him think, for I have experienced an understanding which the answer cannot convey.”

“Still I would hear it,” replied Zhouzi, “for the answer is but another riddle that may help you or another.”

“Though love is in every way preferable to hate,” answered the disciple, “it is folly to believe that either is truly more Tao. The villager’s true problem was not the hate, but the belief that his passions were other than Tao. If the disciple full of love believes it makes him closer to Tao, then his love is more deadly than its opposite hate. For the one at least despairs while the other is content.”

“You have bagged your goose and recovered your pearl!” answered Zhouzi.

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here. To check out more of Scott's writings, please visit TRT's shadow blog and look in the Table of Contents in the left sidebar.

1 comment:

  1. He writes in a very classical and fun way. Great stuff.


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